It took literally nanoseconds after Arizona Republican Governor Jan Brewer signed the nation's toughest (and most sorely needed) illegal immigration reform into law, for the Civil Rights multiculturalists started heaving the "racist" label at anybody who would remotely stand up for, defend, and associate themselves with the ideals put forth in the language of the bill. By now nearly everyone has heard about President Obama's argument that "Washington's failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others" and Pima County Arizona sheriff Clarence Dupnik, who says he won’t enforce the law because it is “racist” and “disgusting”. But what about Hispanics themselves who are actually in favor of the illegal immigration law that Governor Brewer put on the books on April 24th? Contrary to what some may believe, a great number of Hispanics who live in America are actually law-abiding citizens who are behind the enforcement of immigration measures and border security. Seeing their illegal brethren come across the border from Mexico bringing their gang warfare, drugs, litter, and overcrowded ghettos cause headaches in the Country into which they've peacefully and legally assimilated themselves must leave many of them scratching their heads and feeling ashamed. They stand up for a law that should have been enforced by the Federal Government long ago and are called racists themselves. CNN has a shining example of what I am referring too:
Phoenix, Arizona (CNN) — Sue Schwartz says she’s been called a racist so many times she doesn’t mind the label anymore. If wanting immigrants to enter the country legally, like her great-grandparents from Mexico, and obey the laws of the land makes her racist, then so be it, she says firmly. . .
The story goes on to chronicle how Schwartz and friends of hers have been labeled a traitor by the law-breaking riffraff of her own Hispanic neighborhood (or "traidora" which is the word in Espanol). She proceeds to talk about how the illicit human traffic has taken all of the entry-level jobs away from her granddaughter who has been searching for one since she was 15. According to Schwartz, she can't get a job at the Hometown Buffet because "She doesn't speak Spanish". Another acquaintance of Schwartz, Martha Payan, said she's had her "apartment broken into and her car hit by an illegal".

Uhem. . .excuse me? The real shame is in letting the inmates run the asylum.
All of the chicanery by the illegal Mexican neighborhood thugs is to be expected but the real shame is on the leftists who continue to fan the flames of this non-citizen revolt by appending the label "racist" to anybody who even remotely sides with enforcement of SB 1070. The use of the term "racist" in situations such as this, is a classic Saul Alinskyian tactic that simply detracts from the legal and social ills that passage of this law aims to remedy. The Left cannot argue against the fact that immigrants illegally crossing the border from Mexico into the United States and taking up secret residence, unchecked and unaccounted-for, is morally, legally, and criminally wrong and for the United States Government to sloppily enforce the law as it pleases when it pleases is an irresponsible dereliction of its constitutional duties. It then turns to the usual name-calling and chest-beating intimidation tactics so often used to shout down opposition that can beat them with reason. Feelings matter, not subject or substance, and cries of racism invoke feelings that are stronger than breaking the law itself. Sue Schwartz and her friends become unwitting victims in this war of words. She's Hispanic, she's law-abiding, she believes in being responsible as a citizen of the United States of America. For that she is branded a racist and a traitor not only by the Left but by people who share her own blood lines.
60 percent of Americans say Arizona's tough new immigration law is "about right" or "doesn't go far enough." Are you listening, Washington?
A new CBS News/New York Times poll shows 51 percent of those surveyed say the law is "about right" and 9 percent say it "doesn't go far enough." 36 percent believe the controversial law - which gives police broad powers to detain people they think are in the country illegally - "goes too far."
This new poll also shows broad majorities of Americans say illegal immigration is a "very serious problem" and that this country's immigration policies need a major overhaul... although people are divided about what the right solution is. . .
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