You are invited to join the SDSU College Republicans for a Gubernatorial debate on April 13th, 2010 7:00pm-9:00pm in the Volstroff ballroom on the SDSU campus.
Details of the debate:
7:00 pm- South Dakota College Republican officer’s introductions
7:05 pm- Presentation of colors
7:06 pm- National Anthem
7:10 pm- Introduction of moderator (TBA)
7:15 pm- Opening statements by candidates- 3 minutes each
7:30 pm- Start of debate questions
Question topics: Budget, Healthcare, Education, Horse Slaughter, Agriculture, and Jobs.
9:00pm- Closing statements
Mark your calendars to be in Brookings, SD on April 13th, 2009 at 7:00pm. The event is a free will donation. We will also be raffling off tickets for a signed Sarah Palin book! Come learn the differences between the republican candidates for Governor. Governor candidates include: Dennis Daugaard, Gordon Howie, Dave Knudson, Ken Knuppe, and Scott Munsterman. Have questions contact Joseph Bryant, SDSU College Republicans Treasurer,
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