Friday, July 29, 2011

CRNC Biennial Convention 2011 (The Midwest is the best!)


Things have been moving quite fast here, so (like for prior events), I'm setting up a Twitter-feed. This one has some of our Midwest Caucus CRs, who are live-Tweeting. The entry below is the general Tweet stream, for this 2011 Biennial Convention.

The Midwest is the best!!


CRNC Biennial Convention 2011


See entry above... That one has the explanation, & live-coverage, from our CRNC Midwest Caucus!

This however, is the general Twitter stream, for live coverage of the 2011 Biennial Convention of the College Republican National Committee (CRNC).

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A sustainable economic plan

While driving home from Washington D.C. yesterday, I had the opportunity to listen to lots of talk radio and got some wonderful ideas for some blog posts.  I'll share more about my trip at another time, but one thing I find it important to write about is the looming default of American credit and talks to corral our spending.

Mark Levin outlined, on my drive home, an important message to Republicans in the deal-making process.  While Republicans are attempting to make strides to ensure a brighter American future in negotiations with the President, Levin offers this:
"We all know where the country is headed, we all know what the problem is.  We all know that the Tea Party movement is not only right, but it's the only thing saving this nation.  So the paradox is, that it's treated as some small, insignificant force, when in fact they are urging the only way out.  Another paradox; in order to change Washington, George [Will], you gotta change Washington.  Right?  And so what the Tea Party movement is trying to do, what the Reagan Revolution is trying to do and what the conservatives in the conservative movement have been hoping and trying to do is to reverse course. You can't reverse course without reversing course.  You can't slash spending without slashing spending.  In other words, talk is cheap and now it's time to act."
The American people should not be satisfied with a clandestine deal involving a minimal reduction in spending in exchange for an expansion in our already-crippling debt.  We need a balanced budget, lower taxes, and a stable economy.   We the people are engaged with the political process and will not settle for the selling of our future and a mortgage of our children's future.  We want the Republican party to be the people's advocate in Washington, D.C., and we sent that message loud and clear in November of 2010 and we will do so again in November of 2012.  But if those for fiscal responsibility haven't found an advocate in D.C. by this upcoming election cycle, we'll send in a new round of even-more-conservative men and women to Capitol Hill.

Obama, who was a Constitutional Law professor at the University of Chicago, has said he will veto the Tea Party-backed plan and balanced budget amendment.  For those that aren't familiar with the process, a Constitutional amendment must pass both the House and the Senate by a 2/3 majority and would then need to be ratified by 3/4 of the states.  Missing from this process, as a Constitutional Law professor should probably be able to see, is the Office of the President.  Even more embarrassing is the fact that there is even a Con Law case that re-states the President's absence from the process, Hollingsworth v. Virginia.

A balanced budget amendment is not out of reach.   49 states, Vermont being the lone hold-out, have a balanced budget policy, and as recently as March of 1995, an amendment to balance the budget passed the House and was just one vote short of passing the Senate.   Now is the time for the citizens that believe in saving the economy to contact Congress and urge them to save America's future with this sustainable economic plan.